Over 20 years ago,

A small group of people began a three-month Bible study on the church. They felt after much prayer and discussion that the Lord had called them to plant a new model of church that was like the early church we read about in the book of Acts. This group began to meet in homes and various locations throughout the city.

By 1997, The Meeting Place (TMP) was a small, fledgling group that desired to see God move and began to cry out to God for help. Through God’s leading the church connected with Dave & Rosie Fellingham (Brighton, UK), and Don & Stephanie Smith (Eastbourne, UK). The Fellinghams and Smiths were both connected with a family churches called Newfrontiers (www.newfrontierstogether.org).

Since then,

the church has continued to grow and mature. In 1999 we celebrated the purchase of 487 Brunswick Street which was our home until the end of 2019 when we moved to 140 Clark Street. Over the years we have been able to serve our community with different ministries (life groups, kids’ church, youth group, Street Level and Kids Club) that have been overseen by emerging leaders. God has provided an eldership team and a growing relationship with Jeremy and Ann Simpkins and ChristCentral Churches. In the summer of 2012 the church made the choice to change it’s name to Christ Central Church. This new name better reflects our heart and mission.

Right now,

we are completing renovations on our building at 140 Clark St and seeking God about what projects we will undertake to continue to impact the neighbourhood around us in real, tangible ways.


We are served by a team of elders who oversee all areas of spiritual, temporal and community life of the church. Our eldership team provides pastoral care, carries the main responsibility of preaching and teaching, and sets the vision, values, and overall strategy of the church. Our current eldership team is Joe Crummey and Oli Surgenor. 

Along with the elders, we have many in leadership roles as coordinators, deacons, and pastors,